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Over the years, technology has increased. People all over the world have been thrown into a digital environment, which has advanced over the years. In a video by Michael Wesch, an Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Kansas State University, he briefly explained how digital technology has changed. The video shows how using digital technology has changed drastically from the very first time that computers, and the web were introduced to the world. Pointing out interesting facts on how when we go to a website, a page can come up, and everything can be organized and located. The question is, who puts it all together? The answer to that question is simple. We are the ones who designed the pages that go on the web. Michael Wesch explains how the web doesn't have all the answers to questions that we may have. The only thing that has the answers to unanswered questions is ourselves. We are those who train the computer system how it should function. As users of the internet, it's really us who have the techniques when putting information together on a web page. It's also us who design the page, organize all the information, and keep it updated. In all reality, the internet has helped many people, and is still doing so, but all the information that the web gives us is just another person who is highly qualified to gather information and organize it all to a page.

Michael Wesch video has touched upon the issue of how technology has advanced within the years, but it's not only computers and how the digital world has advanced. It goes deeper than that. In an interview with my mother, Santa D. Rivera, I learned that technology has expanded among many other things. Such as how the banking system works now. Before banks would work in a similar way it works now, in terms of how someone can store money, and take out money when they chose to. Although back then there was no such thing as a bank card (credit, debit etc.). Technology has allowed people to go to what is now known as ATM's.
© Wilfredo Rivera 2011